I did a pretty good job last week up until Wednesday. Those of you following my Facebook page know that that's when my cat Lucas started getting REALLY sick. Thursday evening was by the far the worst night, we thought we were going to lose him. It was finally discovered that he's been eating a whole bunch of crazy stuff - packaging tape, ribbons, stickers. The vet said it's a miracle he's alive. Poor little thing was so sick and has lost so much weight. We're still not sure if he will be OK 100% - he may have kidney damage...but for now, my baby is home and doing much better!
A few weeks ago, I switched my volunteer day at the animal shelter from Tuesdays to Mondays. I'm starting to regret this and am thinking of switching it back because it's really affecting my workout in boot camp on Mondays. Last week, I made a chocolate shake by Shakeology (I received 2 free samples) and put a banana in it. I drank it before going to the shelter and felt awesome throughout my workout and even did an extra 30 minutes of cardio after the hour long class. This week - the shake did NOTHING. I felt like I was going to pass out in class. I was tired, dizzy and had no energy at all. I tried having a PB&J before class a few weeks ago, that also didn't help. Any suggestions for a meal I can eat while driving from work to the shelter that will last me through class?!
I went to the gym tonight and did a cardio mix - 16 minutes on the cross trainer, 10 minutes or so on the treadmill, and 20 minutes on the Stairmaster. Today was a wake up call that I really have to pay attention to what I'm eating when it comes time to train for the half marathon. I say this because my mom made meatloaf tonight - and while I only had 2 pieces and a baked potato, it really held me back when I was running. My stomach felt heavy and I knew I wasn't going to last on the treadmill very long - which I didn't.
Also, I signed up for the Warrior Dash in June! It sounds crazy and awesome! I kind of wish I hadn't freaked out about registration filling up and took the time to get a group of friends to do this with me first. It looks like they added more waves (start times, basically) for the late afternoon/early evening. But I really wanted to get signed up and was worried everyone would take too long to make a decision about it. It's a 3.28 mile course with 10 "obstacles from hell", as the website says, haha. My boyfriend signed up to do it too ... now I just have to get him up to speed on running :)
Well, think that's all for tonight. Going to try REALLY hard to wake up for the gym tomorrow morning...ugh, we'll see...
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