Tuesday, May 31, 2011

1/2 Marathon Training: Week 2, Days 2 and 3

Week 2, Day 2: Monday, May 30

Today my training says to stretch and strengthen. Well, I didn't do much of that. I went on an 8 mile bike ride though! And did some core work when I got home.

Week 2, Day 3: Tuesday, May 31

Heard we were supposed to get bad storms tonight so I was assuming I would have to run on the treadmill. Thankfully it stayed clear for the evening and I went for a run with my brother. We went a different route than normal. About a mile in, I was feeling like crap and getting a cramp in my side, but I kept pushing. As usual, he was about a quarter of a mile ahead of me. Once in awhile he circles back, gives me this cute checking-on-you-sis smile, and then he keeps on going. As long as I keep him in my sight, it's a good push.

I felt like were running FOREVER. I was confident that when we reached our halfway point and were looping back home that we were running about 6 miles. The last couple miles I felt really, really good. Came home to my computer, jumped on Map My Run, plotted my route and saw...3.7 miles. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? This felt soooooo much longer than my 5 mile run on Sunday! Ugh. Very disappointed, but my training only called for 3 miles today so at least I did a little over. And hey, this is only Week 2.

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