Monday, March 22, 2010


Over the last week or so, I've felt GREAT! It feels so good to say that. Not sure what brought this on, maybe all the California sunshine and being able to run outdoors again...but tonight I realized I've felt really good recently. I feel more toned and healthy than I've felt in a long time. I went to my boot camp class tonight and the mirrors in the aerobics room always seem to have a carnival mirror effect on you where they make you look rather awful. Tonight, I thought I looked fine even in the "fat mirrors." It's so nice to be comfortable with yourself : ) We should all strive for this feeling!

This morning I went to breakfast with Robin and had eggs, 2 bacon slices, and some rye toast. Oh, and hash browns of course. Whenever I have a "traditional" breakfast like this, it really keeps me going the whole day. We were busy at work with a production shoot starting at noon, so I didn't eat anything the rest of the day. I know this isn't good for my metabolism...but I really didn't even think about eating! Then as 4 p.m. rolled around, it seemed pointless to bother making something when I'd be home in a little over an hour for dinner.

My mom made some chocolate covered strawberries at home...they were delicious...helped myself to about 6 I think, lol. As you can see they're mostly half-dipped, so I like to tell myself that most of it was strawberry...

My mom signed up with Vocalpoint some time ago and she gets tons of Kashi coupons from them - a lot of them are for free products! I love Kashi products. You usually get at least one free coupon and then 5 or 6 coupons for $1.50 off or something. Yesterday, I picked up my free box of Heart to Heart Cinnamon cereal. It's really good! Had some post-workout tonight.

Head over to that website and get yourself some free coups! ; )


  1. Love the fancy dipped strawberries on that dollar bill plastic plate ha ha ha ha

  2. thanks for the coupon website!! i'm going to check it out

  3. You're welcome! They send you Kashi samples too : ) loves it!
