Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Officially an 8!

I've been MIA from my blog lately. Overall, last week was pretty drama filled and it was hard to focus on anything else. I'm still having a hard time focusing on things right now (like work) and I know I need to get my act together pretty quickly here.

I'm happy to announce that I'm officially a Size 8!!!!! Now "officially" just comes from my own determination that most Size 8 clothing at most stores now fit! This is so exciting. I haven't worn an 8 since sophomore year of college. When I started working out in January, I was a 10, so I've lost a full dress size. I also weighed in at 136.5 today, bringing my weight loss to 11.5 pounds, and I've lost 1.5 inches from my hips.

This weekend, Nels and I went to the pool and for the first time in a long time I felt 100% comfortable in a swimsuit. Now of course I want to keep getting more and more fit, but the fact that I felt at ease and felt GOOD was an amazing feeling! Interesting how 11 pounds is the difference between feeling great and feeling awful. I remember feeling gross and unhappy last summer. It is great to feel confident and comfortable with myself.

My 24th birthday is this Friday, and it was my goal to lose at least 10 pounds by my birthday. Glad I've made it there! Here is a photo of me from my birthday last year, and then me wearing the same shirt in Florida a month ago:



Interesting running incident this weekend...I was jogging on a trail near Nels' apartment on Sunday with his buddy Jeff who runs quite a bit. There are mile markers on the trail, so we ran 2 miles in and then turned around. Walked maybe 1/2 a mile, then ran the rest of the way. At the very end, Jeff said we should sprint, so we did. As my left foot was about to land, it hit an uneven dip in the trail, my ankle rolled, and I went flying! Twisted my ankle and scraped up my right side. Not fun! Thankfully, I was able to get up and hobble back, because the second I hit the ground about 20 mosquitos were all over me! Got about a dozen bites on my legs and arms! Blood sucking bastards.

I've been icing my ankle and it feels a lot better today, but I am reluctant to do any exercise, even the elliptical, for a few days. I'm going to do some arm/shoulder weightlifting at the gym today just to keep up something.

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