Monday, June 21, 2010

Triathlon training: Week 1, Day 2

Boot camp killed me tonight! I haven't gone to the class for 4 weeks because of my ankle. BOY was it tough! Halfway through our first lap of squats, I thought I was going to fall over. I'm glad I forced myself to go though, really have to get back into it.

According to my training, a strength workout was the only thing on the agenda today. I still woke up at my regular gym time this morning, so I decided to get a jump start on my swimming. I pulled on my ankle wrap, strapped on my waterproof sports watch, and was ready to conquer the pool. As I walked into the locker room, I kept telling myself, "Your ankle is going to be fine...there will be no pain and you can practice have goggles, ear plugs, the whole 10 yards...let's do this!"

The goggles helped tremendously - they're a good pair that keeps the water out so that I don't have to worry about my contact lenses floating away. I'm having serious issues coordinating my breathing properly while swimming. Every time I made it about half way to the pool, I felt like I was suffocating. There were a couple laps that I REALLY concentrated on - my form, stroke, etc. - and I noticed that I didn't have to come up for air as much when I focused and took it slow.

Swimming takes so much more out of me than running or biking. I felt so wiped out! I am adding 3-4 morning swims to the training plan for the next few weeks, and will keep doing so if I feel it's necessary. I was in the pool for about 25 minutes, but had to take 20-30 second rests after each each lap.

After work (right after I had indulged in a s'more...) Robin texted me asking if I wanted to go for a run. I figured why not. This was at about 5:30 and it was SO hot out. Robin, her sister, and I ran a little over 2 miles.

Workout Summary:

20 minute swim (AM)
25 minute run (PM)
60 minute boot camp class (PM)

I cannot wait to go to sleep tonight!

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