Tuesday, May 31, 2011

1/2 Marathon Training: Week 2, Days 2 and 3

Week 2, Day 2: Monday, May 30

Today my training says to stretch and strengthen. Well, I didn't do much of that. I went on an 8 mile bike ride though! And did some core work when I got home.

Week 2, Day 3: Tuesday, May 31

Heard we were supposed to get bad storms tonight so I was assuming I would have to run on the treadmill. Thankfully it stayed clear for the evening and I went for a run with my brother. We went a different route than normal. About a mile in, I was feeling like crap and getting a cramp in my side, but I kept pushing. As usual, he was about a quarter of a mile ahead of me. Once in awhile he circles back, gives me this cute checking-on-you-sis smile, and then he keeps on going. As long as I keep him in my sight, it's a good push.

I felt like were running FOREVER. I was confident that when we reached our halfway point and were looping back home that we were running about 6 miles. The last couple miles I felt really, really good. Came home to my computer, jumped on Map My Run, plotted my route and saw...3.7 miles. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? This felt soooooo much longer than my 5 mile run on Sunday! Ugh. Very disappointed, but my training only called for 3 miles today so at least I did a little over. And hey, this is only Week 2.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

1/2 Marathon Training: Week 2, Day 1

Just a quick recap on Week 1 - I stuck to all my training except for 30 minutes of cardio I was supposed to do on Saturday. Just didn't have the chance to do it. I'm feeling really good though! I've been right on target with or past my goals each day.

Week 2: Sunday May 29th

Today my running plan called for a 4 mile run. I was actually feeling really good and made it 5 miles! If you're new to running or want to start, I really recommend plotting your route before you go instead of just thinking "I'll go outside and run till I feel like stopping." Planning a route first helps you in a number of ways - mostly, I feel it helps you finish the route. When you know what your end point is, you can talk yourself through finishing it a lot easier. By the time I looped back around to the home stretch of my route today, I knew I didn't have that much further to go and I knew I would finish no problem. Planning your route can also help you push yourself further - I could have done my standard 4-mile route today, but I decided to throw an extra street in there and pushed myself an extra mile by doing so.

There are a number of devices, apps, etc. that you can use to see how far you've run, but I just like using Map My Run. It's free and you just plug in your starting address and then plot your route to see the distance.

I felt tired after my run, but I also felt really good and a lot more confident about the training ahead. It's just about adding 1 more mile at a time!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

1/2 Marathon Training: Week 1, Days 1-3

Every year goes by faster and faster! I cannot believe Memorial Day weekend is already upon us. A year ago I was training for my first triathlon, excited and nervous about the training that lay ahead of me. I feel that same way now as I'm 3 days into Week 1 of my marathon training!

So far, things are going great and my back feels fantastic. I still have more chiropractor visits ahead, so seems my back should stay that way. I wanted to go to a yoga class yesterday, but to my surprise, the chiro advised against that...he said it's too early to be adding classes in where you're following the pace of someone else who doesn't know your physical situation. This was disappointing and I almost felt it was a little too cautious, but I remembered that the one time I did try yoga, the instructor tended to walk around and adjust your hips and things like that, so it probably isn't a good idea to go.

Here's a recap of my training so far:

Day 1, Sunday, May 22

I went on a 4 mile run with Julie, a long time friend of Phil's who is also training for the same 1/2. It was an easy pace and a good way to return to exercise, since I'd been off for almost 2 weeks. After having to take so much time off from working out, it felt great to be running again and I definitely had a runner's high.

Day 2, Monday, May 23

Training today only said stretch and strengthen, but it was too gorgeous of a day to NOT go for a run. I wasn't very smart about my run though...I went jogging about 10 minutes after eating 2 fresco style tacos from Taco Bell. I felt sick for me entire run, which was about 2.5 miles. Should've stuck to a Luna bar!!! Then I went to the gym with my friend Steph and did some weight machines - mostly arms - and then 20 more minutes cardio on the crossramp. I think I need to push it more with weightlifting. I don't feel any burn today at all. I am REALLY going to miss boot camp. I love that achy muscle feeling!

Day 3, Tuesday, May 24

Feeling kind of nauseous this evening, so I did one of the crosstraining workouts for the week that my schedule lists. I did 30 minutes on the Stairmaster alternating between levels 8 and 10. I really need to get some solid meal plans in place, especially as I start adding on the miles. Hoping I can go running outside in the morning before work tomorrow, if it's not raining.

My bloodwork came back from the doctor's office and everything is in range. I found this a little surprising, I was really expecting my blood sugar to be off. I'm not sure why I feel so lightheaded, weak, and hungry midday. Maybe I'm not eating enough to keep me full...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chiropractor visits & the end of boot camp

Today was my 3rd visit to the chiropractor. My back is feeling substantially better!!!!! The doctor even said how amazed he was at my improvement after just 2 adjustments. My pain is now down to a 2. I still had a couple muscle spasms this morning, but thankfully I felt almost normal and rather comfortable the rest of the day.

At my visit today, my pain was finally down enough so that I could start electrical muscle stimulation treatments on my lower back. I felt great after the 3rd adjustment, but after the muscle stim I felt MIGH-TY FINE!!!!! Haha! I am still heeding the doctor's advice and not taking on physical activity for the rest of the week - the good news is I can start my 1/2 marathon training on Sunday!!! Wooooo hoooooo!

The doctor also said that I SHOULD NOT do the boot camp class at my gym anymore. =( This sucks and I will miss the class, but honestly it does all make sense...I didn't start having these recurring back issues until I started doing the class. He explained that when using free weights in front of me, it puts a lot of extra weight and strain on my lower back - which is already weakened from a bulging disc, which I've known about for about 10 years now. I wish I was better at explaining everything he said, but I forgot most of it already because I have such a fabulous short term memory. All I know is we spend most of the class bent over at a 45-degree angle, and I can see how that is straining my back. So, I must stick mostly to weight lifting machines from this point forward.

During my 2nd visit yesterday, the doctor went over things in a lot more detail. My X-ray shows the middle of my spine is curving ever so slightly to the left, which explains why the left side of my lower back has been causing me the most pain. My left shoulder and left hip area also slightly higher than the right. And finally, the top vertebrae of my neck are rather misaligned - your neck is supposed to swoop back, and mine is starting to push forward. For me, this is likely due to typing on a laptop all day at work and sleeping on my stomach, which I sadly learned is very, very bad for your spine! So I have to become a back or side sleeper now. All my treatments and adjustments are going to correct these issues, and thankfully with my insurance it's not going to cost me an arm and a leg like I feared. Correcting my neck should also help the headaches I get.

I'm so excited to move forward with the treatments and my marathon training! Thank goodness this happened now, rather than 6 weeks into the training!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Back update

So on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being worst), my back pain this morning was definitely a 10. I couldn't walk, I shuffled. I was crying throughout the morning because it hurt so bad. Thankfully, I got a chiropractor appointment at 11 AM. I've never been to a chiropractor before, but I feel like it's an approach that is going to actually TREAT my back problem as opposed to just getting a prescription to make the pain go away for now. I was surprised at how thorough they were with their questions and analyzing your posture, back, neck, etc.

I then got a series of adjustments to treat my lower back pain as well as my constant headaches. My friend Shanti has given me basic adjustments before so I knew what to expect, but when the doctor asked me to lay on my side, I was so nervous!! With the pain radiating out to my sides, I was expecting it to hurt like hell. Thankfully, it didn't. After my visit, my pain went down to about a 7 and I was at least able to walk fairly normally. It's back up at an 8 right now though.

I have an appointment tomorrow at 3:30, where I will get another set of adjustments and more information about further treatment, cost, and how this will affect my exercising from this point forward. A portion of this is covered by my insurance, but other than that I'm not sure how much this is going to cost me. I'm to the point where I don't care; I just want this corrected, because my back went out less than 2 months ago and a few times last year as well.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

On the DL.

With the Bulls vs. Heat game today, I thought it'd be appropriate to title this blog "on the DL", because if I was a pro sports player, I would definitely be on the disabled list right now.

My lower back is KILLING me. 2 weeks ago, it was a bit sore which I've experienced before, so I took it easy and only worked out 1 day that week. Last Sunday, which was Mother's Day, it was still achy but I went running 4 miles with my brother. I worked out 4 times last week, Sunday, Monday, a run Friday morning, and a workout on the elliptical Saturday morning. I also went out with some friends last night, which may or may not have contributed to the pain I'm experiencing today - hard to tell, I wore comfortable shoes and was sitting most of the night. I've tried everything - Icy Hot patches, heating pad, stretching, back pain pills, some steroid cream my mom had prescribed for her shoulder - nothing helps.

Right now, my back pain is so bad I want to throw up. I can't stand up straight. Every position - laying down, sitting, standing - hurts. I could barely get out of my car when I drove home today. Laughing hurts, coughing and sneezing kill. THIS SUCKS. I'm freaking out because my 1/2 marathon training is supposed to start next Sunday. I'm giving in and going to the doctor tomorrow to see if there is anything else that can be done. The last time I went, probably 8 months ago for this same issue, they didn't tell me anything new. They said it was muscular and likely not a disc issue, and that I needed to do physical therapy for a few sessions. I wasn't willing to pay for the sessions so I didn't go, but I think this time I'm going to shell out the cash for it because I can't have this happen again and ruin my training.

Later this week I'll also be getting the results of some blood work I had done last week. For years now, I have had the feeling something is off with my blood sugar, so I finally got that along with my cholesterol and thyroid tested. Many times, I'll feel weak and lightheaded during the day and it makes me want to eat and eat. Again, the upcoming marathon training pushed me to finally get this checked out and taken care of.

Please, please, please let my back heal this week!!!!!!!