I worked out for 6 of 7 days last week - haven't done that much in awhile, it feels great! With all the festivities that have been happening so far this month, I have to do it to keep the pounds away. Here's a quick recap of last week:
Sunday - 4.3 mile run outside
Monday - 6:15 AM bootcamp
Tuesday - 7:15 PM bootcamp
Wednesday - rest
Thursday - 7:15 PM bootcamp
Friday - 6:15 AM bootcamp
Saturday - 40 minute stairs and crossramp cardio combo (say that 5 times fast!)
To kick off this week, I did 40 minutes on the Stairmaster yesterday - 20 minutes on the fat burner setting and another 20 on the aerobic training setting. I try to simulate real stair climbing as much as possible by not holding onto the machine. I also increase/decrease the resistance throughout the workout to get myself to run up the stairs several times throughout the workout. The Willis Tower Climb is fast approaching, it's on Sunday, November 6th. I'm not quite sure how to train for this thing, but I feel I am in pretty good shape for it. I don't plan on running the stairs, I just plan on getting up them! An hour of cardio is no issue for me and all the squats and wall sits in bootcamp are helping strengthen my legs.
By the way, I surpassed my required fundraising goal of $100 and am currently at $150. But if you would still like to make donations to this great cause - the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago - you can support my personal fundraising page here. Remember, any amount helps out the RIC! RIC provides world-class rehabilitation care to patients - children and adults - from around the globe for traumatic brain and spinal cord injury, as well as stroke and cancer. The funds raised through SkyRise Chicago will directly impact patients' lives by supporting advances in patient care and cutting-edge research at RIC.
Weekend recap
On Friday night, Jacklyn and I went over to Lisa's place to celebrate her birthday. We've been friends for 20 years! We went out to Aurelio's pizza and I definitely ate a lot of pizza. Plus we split a cookie monster dessert. Between us 3 girls and Lisa's hubs Joey, we all did equal damage! We had a great time reminiscing, laughing and making some confessions ; ) Then we hung out at Leese's place the rest of the night.
Saturday was a day I've been waiting for for months...NIU Homecoming!
Now, since I only get to DeKalb about once a year now, I HAD to stop for some DeKalb indulgences. This included cheese nuggets at Pizza Pro's...beer nuggets at Lukulo's...and later an Oreo shake from Ollie's. Pretty positive my entire week of workouts went to waste! Guess it will all balance out in the end...perhaps...!
Today kicks off Week 2 of bootcamp. We did Kettlebell Khaos again today and I was pleased to find it was already a little easier than last week. Might have to up the weight!
I never thought I would say this...but...I *might* be becoming a morning workout person. AHHH!!! At least a few days out of the week, anyway! It feels nice to come home from work and not worry about getting to the gym. I was able to finish switching out my fall and winter clothes tonight, so now I don't have to worry about it this weekend. This may sound a little strange, but I feel more pressured to stay in shape during the winter than I do the summer. Summer clothes are generally looser and to me they seem more flattering. I always feel much more comfortable in my summer clothes. Sweaters, on the other hand, often make you look bulky. Jeans feel so damn confining. Blech, I hate winter clothing!
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