Sunday, February 28, 2010

Another Monday lies ahead...

Last week was such an unbelievably stressful week at work that I still don't feel "refreshed" after the weekend. I need like a full week off.

I'll try to keep the work stuff short so as not to bore everyone. We had a 10-hour production shoot on Friday and as you can imagine, I had a LOT of prep work to do in the days ahead of it. The day of the shoot, I was so worried about things not getting done that I felt nauseous the entire time. Most of the shoot went alright until we got to our 3rd anchor, who was new. The guy has a lot of experience doing sports for news stations, but most sports guys aren't really reading from the teleprompter, they're just talking. This guy was messing up every other word. We only had the studio rented till 5 p.m., and time was running out fast.

There was no way we could use the video with this guy. A co-worker and I went to our boss and had her watch what was going on to convince her this was no good. I then asked her to put me on instead. She paused a minute then said "Go into makeup now."

What? Really?

I've been dying to be one of our anchors but this isn't really the type of environment you want to make your debut in. The whole crew was on edge and P.O.'d. I was determined anyway. Right as my makeup was finished and I was about to step on set...our CEO said we're ending for the day and will retape next week because it will cost more to pay the crew overtime than to reshoot.

Damn it.

I was SO CLOSE!!!! The fact that they agreed to put me on instead is a huge promising sign though! I was so exhausted after that day that I went to bed at 9:30. Plus, now I have the stress of having to get this reshoot together some time this week.

Almost forgot to mention, my brother was our intern-for-the-day. He wants to go into production too. He did a really great job, I was so proud of him! He will get to intern at my work this summer.

Somehow, I managed to work out 4 times last week. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Swam on Monday and Wednesday. I went to the gym tonight and did some weights for my arms and an hour of cardio. I'm sure my heart was appreciative to that after all the stress I've been putting on it! Going to try and swim tomorrow.

Well, that's all folks.

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