Thursday, April 15, 2010

14-Day Challenge: Days 10 & 11

Woooo almost done with the challenge! : )

Day 10 turned out to be a rest day. I slept in in the morning because my body really felt like it needed the rest - and hey, I did 5 workouts in 3 days so I needed some! For the most part my eating was healthy. I did have a Malibu and pineapple drink at a networking event I had to attend for work. My co-worker Laura and I also had to do a "grab & go" for dinner, which I'm not a fan of, but it happens. We went to Jimmy John's and I avoided the chips and just got a turkey sandwich with cheese, lettuce & tomato. I hate mayonnaise so never have to feel like I'm sacrificing there ; )

Day 11: Woke up and got to the gym around 6 AM. Did my upper body stuff today:
2 sets of 20 biceps curls, 10 lbs
2 sets of 15 triceps kickbacks, 5 lbs
2 sets of 15 side and front shoulder raises, 5 lbs
2 sets of 15 rear deltoid lifts, 5 lbs
2 sets of 20 side crunches, 10 lbs

Then I did the crossramp at an incline of 12, resistance of 10 for 30 minutes.

I had agreed to meet my friend Robin at the gym at 7;30, but when I got off of work I really wanted to go for a run outside because it was so nice out. I had my PB English Muffin combo and...definitely didn't wait long enough between eating and gulping down some water. My stomach wasn't feeling too great the whole time, so I only made it 2 miles.

Then...I still met Robin at 7:30! Yes, I exercised 3 times today. If you don't believe me I have Robin as my witness for both gym workouts and my dad for my outside run! Haha! I'm not trying to be all exercise crazy, it just kind of happened today. At the gym we did a few weight machines and then did 10 minutes of rowing followed by more running on the treadmill. I mostly ran at a pace of 6.0 at an incline of 1, and made it another 2 miles. So 4 total miles today! Yay!

After that last workout, I tried a Boca cheeseburger which Robin recommended. It was actually really good! I didn't even put it on a bun, just threw some ketchup on it, reminded me of meatloaf.

Pre-workout: 1 tbsp reduced fat Jif on 1/2 Aunt Millie's multi-grain English muffin

Breakfast: Kashi Heart 2 Heart warm cinnamon oat cereal with FF milk

Lunch: Lean Cuisine Ginger Garlic stir fry
Chobani 0% Greek Yogurt, Strawberry

Pre-run: 1 tbsp reduced fat Jif on 1/2 Aunt Millie's multi-grain English muffin

Dinner (post-workout): Boca cheeseburger, Special K

I barely ate at all today. The way I ate and exercised today is actually really bad, I know that it only slowed my metabolism or stored everything as fat. My schedule was just really weird today. Was busy all morning at work so didn't have any sort of snack; ate lunch around 1:30, then when I came home I ate that PB English muffin for energy for my run. I intended to eat after that but wasn't feeling hungry so I didn't eat dinner till after the gym at 9 at night. AHHH...this is bad and I'm not feeling very happy about it, but there's nothing I can do except go get some rest. Goodnight.

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