Kind of went missing from my blog the last few days, here is a quick recap. Workout wise, the last few days haven't been anything special.
Day 12: Went to the gym for a morning workout. Did my 2 sets of arm reps (same ones I've been doing every other day just about) and then did 30 minutes on the crossramp. Took it easy since I exercised 3 times the day before!
My dad also did a "shadowing" at a restaurant on Friday night, we are really praying for a phone call tomorrow! This company has moved things along quickly from the beginning and everyone he's spoken with there has been very nice and excited to talk to him. The managers he met with and shadowed on Friday liked him a lot and said they want him to speak with their boss right away, so here's hoping he gets good news this week!!!
Day 13: Had a garage sale on Saturday and we did pretty well, made almost $200. If you have a garage sale make sure to post it on Craigslist with an overview of what you're selling! That seemed to bring us more traffic than usual, and one man showed to purchase an old TV set of ours that I listed in the description.
Though I haven't been logging my calories on the Daily Plate, I've been doing a good job with portion control. I can tell my stomach has shrank some, because I've been eating really small portions lately. The only "bad" food I had all weekend was a hot dog and some fries last night - Nels, my friend Lisa and her hubby Joey were REALLY craving hot dogs so hey, have to give in sometimes!
Day 14: DONE! Even though it's only been one day since I was last at the gym, today was a bit of a struggle because I felt really weak and tired when I got there. I still pushed through weightlifting for my arms and then did 2 sets of 20 side crunches with 10 lb weights. Then I did 30 minutes on the Stairmaster starting at a level 6 for 3 minutes, bumped it up to 8 for another 10 minutes, and then went to a level 10, maintaining it for 10 minutes until bringing it back down to level 8.
While flipping through the Target ad this morning, I caught this new flavor of Kashi cereal on sale for $2.75 - plus I had a $1.50 coupon. SCORE! I decided to go pick it up to mix in with my plain Greek yogurt, since Nels won't be able to bring me more Hyvee strawberry granola till next weekend:

This stuff is AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I am totally addicted and craving more right now actually. Gotta be careful with it though, because 3/4 cup serving is 190 calories, which is rather high. So it's a good thing I'm not actually using it as a cereal but just using about 1/4 cup as a mix-in with my plain yogurt. Seriously, go pick up a box, it's SO yummy.
I also went to Trader Joe's and got some plain sea salt pita crackers and some tomato basil hummus to try. Hope it's good! I also picked up a large container of plain fat free Greek yogurt - it has 22 grams of protein, the highest I've found yet! The first time I tried plain yogurt last week, it took some getting used to. But with granola and strawberries mixed in, it rocks!
Alright so now that this 14 Day Challenge, is finished, here's my reflection on it.
The Results: I didn't follow this challenge exactly to a "T," but pretty darn close, and I definitely saw results! I've been stuck at 141 pounds for about a month now and wanted to get below 140 before my Florida trip. I've been holding steady at 139 for the last few days now, hooray! I also lost an inch off my hips, which is great. The proof is in the pants - Saturday night, I wore a pair of jeans out that I've pretty much never been able to fit in - at least not in a way that looks good! I was so scared to put them on but had a good feeling about them, and sure enough, they fit!
The other great part about doing this challenge was that it put an end to my excuses. Ready for the list?
1. I can't wake up to work out in the morning. I woke up at 5:45 a.m. to work out before work 4 out of the 5 weekdays for two weeks! Now that I'm used to it, I actually really enjoy the morning workouts and feel much more energized throughout the day. I also have to admit it's a lot easier to get out of bed and out the door when it's not 20 degrees outside : )
2. No time to prepare something for breakfast that isn't cereal and milk. I made scrambled eggs (with Egg Beaters) or a granola-yogurt parfait every morning before work. Just takes a few extra minutes.
3. I don't like hummus, or shrimp, or plain yogurt. These are some of the new healthier food choices I've tried recently, and I love them!
4. I must have sweets after a meal. I was having a brownie or cookies regularly and always needed something chocolatey after each meal. I've really used that willpower the last 2 weeks and am proud to say that in this 2 week time span, I've only eaten 3 of my mom's brownies and 4 chocolate chip cookies.
There were more excuses, I'm sure, but those are the ones I can remember for now. I'm going to try to keep up with going to the gym twice a day most days, but not going to force myself if I'm not feeling up to it. For now, I feel healthy, happy, more toned, and a lot stronger than I did before starting this. I'm happy to have confronted my excuses and challenged myself to step it up!
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