Last night, my workout was pretty good. I had boot camp for an hour, which is always great. Then I did the crossramp for 25 minutes, but I was not feeling as energized as I was last week after class. I was feeling WIPED OUT!!!
To back up a bit (since I haven't blogged in over a week), I had some GREAT workouts last week. Here's a recap:
Sunday - the triathlon, of course!
Monday - boot camp & 30 minutes of cardio
Tuesday - abs, Stairmaster (15 minutes), rowing (10 minutes - borrrrrring), and jogging on the treadmill (15 minutes)
Wednesday - break
Thursday - biceps, shoulders, abs, 15 minutes on the Stairmaster and 30 minutes on the crossramp
Friday - woke up early because we had to move my brother up to NIU. It was a good thing I decided to run outside and not go to the gym, because when I opened the front door...

My brother's friends Saran-wrapped his car and decorated it for him leaving for NIU! He was both annoyed and amused:

Since he was parked behind me, I wasn't going anywhere! Anyway, back to the run - this was one of the most AMAZING runs I've had in a long time. I felt great!!! I ran for 5 miles, but it felt like only 2. It made me wish that I had done morning runs all summer. I've been meaning to get up and run in the mornings this week, but going back to that whole tired thing...yeah it hasn't happened.
We got my brother all moved into his place, he's so excited to be away at school and have his own apartment. I'm happy and excited for him too, but it's weird with him gone. It just feels like he's away at camp for the week. I miss him today.

I'm going to take it easy tonight and just relax, maybe finally fold my laundry I washed last week (or maybe not, ha).
I miss Brandon SO much. Much more than I thought already. He is very poor about communicating. He does not offer any info unless I ask : (
ReplyDeleteI know he will come back different now, if we even get to see him at all. I know once freedom like this is experienced it feels too good.