When I get to work, I cook up this one or the eggs & potatoes one. Then I have these awesome Thomas' 100% Whole Wheat Bagel Thins that I pop in the toaster. I spread Philly whipped cream cheese on one side and chunky peanut butter on the other - LOVE that combo!!! These bagels are perfect because they aren't as large as regular bagels. They're just right : ) I've noticed that by eating more in the morning and earlier in the day, I eat less later on at night.
Had an amazing swim Thursday. I swam 42 laps again, with virtually no pauses inbetween. I felt like I could have swam all night. I really want to keep up with my swimming even after the race is over. I'd love to build up to swimming for an hour. It's such a great way to mix up your workout and burn a lot of calories without being drenched in sweat. Good for the arms and back, too : )
Then I ran on the treadmill 2 miles. Would have gone a little longer, but had to get over to a friend's house and time was just running out.
I packed some workout clothes in my weekend bag with the hope that I will do some working out by Nels this weekend. I'm scared to run around the area, because I don't know it. But he has some FitTV channel and stuff OnDemand, so maybe I'll do one of their workouts Saturday. I wish he had a gym in the area that lets you pay like a daily fee or something so I could just go there when I'm in the area.
Just about one week till the race! Sooooooooo excited!!!
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