First, gotta catch up on last week since I disappeared from blogging:
Week 6, Day 4: On Wednesday I had to do a 15 minute swim and a 40 minute run. First I did some weight machines, then I swam for about 20 minutes, did a 30 minute treadmill challenge (alternating between sprints and different inclines) and then wrapped up 10 minutes on the crossramp. Normally I'd run outside, but I wasn't able to get to the gym till after dark.
Week 6, Day 5: Went to the gym Thursday morning because I had to leave for Moline right after work. I was supposed to do a 40 minute run, but instead I did 45 minutes on the crossramp at level 10.
Nels' birthday was Friday, but I was so excited to give him his prezzies that I had him open them Thursday night. Forgot my camera, so had to take a photo with the Droid:

Nels with his loot - a kabob rack and skewer set for the grill, a grill cover (he needed one), and then an assortment of jerky and meat sticks. Nels loves beef jerky and also loves trying different foods, and I happened to find a meat shop in Elgin that carried different beef, venison & elk jerky. I checked out their site and also found they had a sampler pack of different meat sticks - including wild boar, ostrich, alligator and...kangaroo?! I knew he'd be psyched to try these, and he was : )
Saturday we had to drive back from Moline to Woodridge for Brittney's wedding! I love weddings, especially ones where I know a handful of people who will be there...makes it a lot more fun! Brittney and I met in 7th grade science class and were really good friends throughout junior high. We got split up for high school - I had to go to DGS and she went to DGN - but thanks to Facebook we kept in touch a bit throughout college. It wasn't until after we both graduated from college though that we started getting together - but I'm so glad we did! Brittney looked beautiful and the wedding was an absolute blast. Here's some photos:
Congratulations, Brittney & Brent!
Week 7, Day 1: Today my training called for a 30 minute swim and 60 minute bike ride. I went to the gym around 6:30 to swim and be able to bike before dark. I did a great job swimming today, swam for 35 minutes and did 40 laps. Got home and changed to ride my bike, get on my bike, and....why am I so low to the ground? Get off the bike and see my back tire is flat as a pancake. I have no idea if there is a leak/hole/tear or what the deal is. Last week when I was riding my bike, I was having an unusually difficult time pedaling. I thought my legs were just tired from boot camp, but now I'm wondering if it was low on air then and now has completely run out. : ( I'm really sad, this bike is 2 months old, I don't know what could be wrong with it. I'm taking it out by Nels this weekend because the shop he bought it from will check it out. I would have gone back to the gym for some other cardio, but they close at 8 on Sundays. Grrrr.
That about wraps things up for now.
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