Saturday, July 3, 2010

Triathlon training: Week 2, Days 4 - 7

Been too busy for blogging the last few days! But I've still been getting my training in, I swear!

Day 4

My mom had surgery on her shoulder last Friday, and it's a tough one to recover from. I've been helping her out as much as possible. Wednesday was a busy day with errands, including some grocery shopping and laundry for the house. I understand now why it's so hard for parents to find time to exercise - I imagine having kids is similar to what I've been experiencing, except 10 times busier!!! Anyway, after everything finally got finished I made it to the gym after 9. I was SO tired by then and believe me, I did not want to go. It took a lot to motivate myself to get through the workout.

On this day, I was supposed to swim 15 minutes and run for 30 minutes. I swam about 20 minutes and completed 16 laps (yay!) and then moved on over to the treadmill. I would rather have run outside, but it was dark out by then and I don't like running alone in the dark. I only made it about 11 minutes on the treadmill. I was bored and tired and couldn't stop staring at the clock. I switched over to the crossramp machine for another 20 minutes to still get my cardio in. I wanted to quit at minutes 3, 9, 11, 18...etc. Couldn't wait to go to bed that night.

Day 5

Thursday I went jogging and walking with an old friend that I haven't seen in awhile. We did a jog/walk combo of a little over 4 miles. It was great to catch up with her!

Day 6

REST DAY! Hooray.

Day 7

Seeing as how I didn't go running last Saturday, I made sure that I did it first thing in the morning to get it over with this time. It was also helpful that I'm back in Sycamore for the weekend, whereas last weekend I was in Moline with Nels and do not know that area. It takes about 10 minutes to walk from Nels' apartment to the trail near his place, so that was my warm up and then I ran 2 miles into the trail with a time of 20 minutes, 12 seconds - keeping that 10 minute mile pace going strong. Then I turned around and ran the rest of the way back. Made it 4 miles without stopping! My final time was about 38 minutes, 40 seconds. I really pushed that last mile to be under 10 minutes.

Completed the full 6 days of work outs this week! Yay!

Happy 4th of July everybody : )

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