Sunday, July 11, 2010

Triathlon training: Week 4, Day 1

Here we are folks. The end of Week 4 will mean I'm halfway through the triathlon training. SCARY!

Saturday, I went downtown with my friend Brittney, her sister Kelli, and Brittney's friend Kim for her bachelorette party! I was so excited for this all week and am sad the night is over. I wanna do it again! We stayed at the Hyatt on Wacker and had dinner at the Grand Lux Cafe on Michigan Avenue, which is a lot like the Cheesecake Factory. I had a yummy pasta and chicken dish. Then we went out to Sound Bar and McFadden's. The night was a lot of fun, but McFadden's was about 100 degrees inside! We were all melting after about 10 minutes. Here are some pics from the night:

It's always a fun time with Brit and her sister Kelli! I'm so excited for Brittney's wedding in 2 weeks and am very happy for her and her fiancee, Brent.

Tonight, training called for a 30 minute swim and a 45 minute run. I swan for about 25 minutes and ran for 40. Clearly, trouble pushing myself those last 5 minutes. When I was in the pool, I wanted to stop at about 15 minutes so I just said "Only 10 more minutes." I am going to meet with a friend of my mom's in the coming week for some swimming instruction, because I'm not happy with how it's coming along. I felt like my heart was going to explode today.

I was hoping to go running outside, but since it was downpouring that didn't happen. After swimming, I changed into my running clothes and got on the treadmill. I brought my 30 minute "Turn up the Burn" treadmill plan with me and followed it:

2 4.0 mph 0-2 Warm-up
5 4.5-6.0 0-2 Increase speed by 0.5 mph each minute until you reach
6.0 mph; maintain for 2 minutes.
7 4.0-4.5 2-10.0 Increase incline by 2.0 each minute until you reach
10.0; stay there for 3 minutes.
1 6.0 mph 2.0 Descend
4 Varied 2.0 Sprint (your best effort) for 1 min., then jog (4.5 mph);
repeat combo, trying to sprint faster second time.
1 5.0-6.0 4.0 Climb
4 6.0-7.0 4.0
1 4.0-4.5 0 Recover
1 5.0-6.0 0 Jog
2 Sprint 0 Best effort
2 2.0-3.0 0 Cooldown

Last week, I ran for 40 minutes outside with my brother and it went by pretty quickly. 40 minutes on the treadmill today felt like an eternity. That's why I brought the interval training along, helps speed up the time a bit since you have to pay attention to adjusting your incline and speed. Very long workout today, glad I got it done. Starting 2-a-days tomorrow to make up for my missed workouts last week.

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