Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Triathlon training: Week 5, Days 2 & 3

On Monday, we had a sub boot camp instructor. I love our regular instructor, but I wish the gym would rotate who teaches the classes - mixes things up a bit more. This particular instructor was TOUGH!!! We did a lot of arms & abs work especially. It's 2 days later and my arms still feel tired when I'm holding on to the steering wheel.

Yesterday, I worked out twice and was feeling exhausted. I slept in this morning to give my muscles some more recovery time. I went to the gym before work on Tuesday and did 15 minutes on the Stair Master, 15 minutes on the cross ramp machine. Then I completed my training workout for the day - run 40 minutes. I went for 45. Had to stop and walk a couple times because I was getting a horrible cramp in my side. I tried walking it off, focusing on breathing, pushing through kept persisting and coming back. Halfway through the run it finally died out.

Today's agenda is biking and strength...thinking of pushing the strength back to tomorrow? My body feels pretty worn out.

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